Wednesday, May 6, 2009


So I am feeling pretty amazing right now! I just finished my piano recital! That was a huge burden off of my shoulders! I have been feeling nervous about it for a long time and I am so glad to have it over with! Next, I am for a fact getting my braces off on June 4th! I am so excited! You can never fully appreciate getting braces off unless you've experienced all of the pain yourself! I can't wait, it will be awesome to have a normal mouth again! Lastly, I get to go to La Caille in only 4 more days!!!! Erin and I have been waiting for this forever! We are going to dress like twins for the occasion! We have the same headband, dress, necklace, leggings, shoes, clutch purse, lotion, and lipgloss. We are also going to style our hair the same way! It will be awesome and we love Madame Dean for taking us! So as you can probably tell, I am in a pretty good mood. Well, other than the fact that I just found out my sister Aubrey stole my gum and lied about it, but some things never change..... Well anyways, I hope everyone is having as good of a day as I am! Ciao for now!

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