For the pageant we had two rehearsals. One Thursday, and then a dress rehearsal Friday. It was abolutely so much fun but definitely crazy! I had to emcee for my pageant and be both Ryan and me. Plus do my talent, final walk and crowning. THEN Brinley asked me to be Ryan for her so she could just be herself in the Miss pageant. Of course I did it, it was no big deal, but after 6 1/2 hours of standing straight up at a microphone and podium, my back was ready to FALL OFF! It was soo painful! What really made me nervous was the fact that both Brinley and I, during our talent, had to stop our songs because we forgot them. Seriously no lie, I stop and go, "What am I doing?! I can't remember this song!" Then Brinley stopped and said, "Oh my gosh. I seriously can't remember my song! This has never happened to me before!!" It was good that it wasn't just me, but then we were freaking out together. Luckily, we both did it again perfectly. Phew! Anyways, rehearsals are always fun! (:
Dress rehearsal! Me with all the contestants and some hostesses!
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