Wednesday, September 15, 2010

For Lisa. (:

Has anybody heard the story of Achilles? Well, if you haven't, here it is.  Ha ha.
Achilles was the son of mortal Peleus, and the Nymph Thetis. Thetis tried to make her son immortal by dipping him into the Styx river, while holding him by his left heel. Because of this, his left heel was the only part of him that could be mortally wounded. He was shot in the heel by a God guided arrow which was his downfall. Before this, he was in the Trojan war. He became a Greek hero when he killed Hector, an enemy to Greece, and dishonored his body by dragging it around from the back of a chariot.

That's Achilles for you.

Side-Note: Have I ever mentioned how much I love my young women leaders? They're great. I look up to all of them very much. They are very inspiring people. (:

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh Ashlie girl! You make me laugh! Now I know the full story, thanks for sharing!