1. Light or dark?
I like it to be dark outside, I'm a night person.
2. Brag about one thing you LOVE about yourself.
Well, one thing I love about myself is my talent to play the piano. I've been playing for about 9 years now. It makes me happy and it's helped me so much in pageants and things. I hope I continue to get better!
3. What is your favorite picture you've ever taken?
I've showed this picture on my blog many times before so I'm sorry! But I took it using the yearbook camera which was a nice one and until now, I've never had my own to take more pictures with. So here it is. Sorry if you're sick of it! But I absolutely love it. It's completely my personality.
4. Where is your favorite place to shop?
I love shopping period! For clothes, I like Rue 21 and Forever 21 though. They have unique styles that I just love. (I vote they add a Forever 21 to the Layton Hills Mall. Please?!)
5. What is your favorite flower?
A rose. There's absolutely no competition there! I love every color rose besides pink. (Which is sort of weird considering pink is my favorite color!)
6. Could you please introduce your family?
This would be my family. My parents are Shane and Lauren. They're pretty much awesome. (:
This is my 12 year old brother Isaac. Enjoys video games and guns. Voted most likely to be America's next top comedian.
This is my 9 year old sister Aubrey. Enjoys drawing, stuffed animals, and playing with her friends. Voted most likely to become a model, taking after her older sister of course. (;
This is my 7 year old sister Whitnie. Enjoys reading, playing piano, and laughing about the most ridiculous things. Voted most likely to do whatever she wants in life.
And this is my 5 year old dog Levi. Enjoys eating, playing, and... more eating. Voted most likely to win any type of eating competition.
That's my family!
7. Why do you blog?
Basically, I blog because I love it. I love having somewhere I can go to write everything down. It's a good, fun, very cute way of journaling, I love going back and reading posts about things I have done. And because I like to share what's going on in my life with other people who care to read.
8. If you could be any age right now, what would it be?
I'm tempted to say 5 because life was so simple. But I'd probably just choose to be 17. Sounds like a good time of life where you have a lot of independance but less responsibilities than you will have as an adult. It's the short period of life where you're on your own with no one to worry about except yourself and I plan on enjoying it while it lasts.
Thanks Madi! That was fun.
My 8 Questions:
1. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
2. What is one thing you absolutely want to do before you die?
3. Who is your favorite actor/actress?
4. Who inspires you the most?
5. What is the best advice you've ever been given?
6. What's your very favorite book? Only one!
7. Give us a tour of your room! Pictures please?
8. What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
If you've done it or don't care to do it, no worries. Happy blogging!