Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Summer is Coming to an End

Which is seriously not ok with me I might add. It feels like summer is just beginning! But instead of having three wonderful months to enjoy, I have like 4 days. Great. I'm not ready for all the stress it brings with it. I'm really not. But let's forget about that and think about really enjoying these last few days.

Things I've been doing?
Cherry Hill with Bay!! (:

Stake Dance with Brady! (:

Picture War with Meg!

Cherry Hill with Kenzie! (: (Yeah I kinda love that place if you couldn't tell!)

Going to Brinley's wedding reception!! She looked beautiful. I'm so happy for her!!!

Taking weird pictures of myself

And of course, driving a lot (: (: I love being 16 (:

I hope you've enjoyed your summer as much as I've loved mine!

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