Monday, December 26, 2011

The Best of 2011

This "Best of" post is kind of like a tradition now. (: This is the third year I've done it! I love to look back on the year and remember some of my most memorable times! It's hard for me to believe 2011 is over already, but if I've learned anything this year, it's that the one thing you can't stop is time.

I'm going to this post a little differently this year! I think it will be easier to pick out the one or two best things per month, instead of 10 things overall. This way I won't forget anything.

January: The New Years Eve Dance! This was just absolutely so much fun. One of the most fun dances I've been to. (:

February: Got my beautiful Young Women's medallion (: So proud of that accomplishment. It taught me so much.

March: Taking care of Sophie for the weekend (: So much fun!

April: Met Michelle Money!!! I loved her on The Bachelor and it was just so cool to actually meet her! (:

May: Went to see Wicked! It was definitely an adventure. (: I loved it!

Also, got my pictures taken by Mikayla. Some of my favorite pictures ever!

June: A lot of things happened this month! It was hard to choose! But I ended up going with, first, my last piano recital with Julie! I miss her a lot.

Also, finished my sophomore year!!

July: Definitely my most eventful month this year!! It was so much fun, I absolutely loved it (:
First, competed in the Miss Davis County Outstanding Teen Pageant! Took first attendant (:

Next, turned 16! Got my license! (: 16 is a good age to be, I'm loving it.

Last, got to visit my best friend Erin in California! Surprise birthday flight from my parents (:

August: Love my busy busy summers!

Judged a baby/kids pageant - Couldn't have been more fun! Great experience (:

Started my Junior year of High School!! CRAZY.
And of course? Girls Camp.
September: Young Women's leaders got released, which was pretty hard for me.

October: Another month full of happenings!!!
First, the Taylor Swift concert I went to with McKenzie! Incredible opportunity!! (:

Next, got my job at Sub Zero Ice Cream, which I just love (:

And lastly? Homecoming! With Brayden (: Perfect night, amazing memories (:

November: Really boring month! Almost feel like it never happened!
But highlight? Black Friday shopping and meeting the Hollister models (:

December: Love love love December (:
First, Sadies with Zach!

 And going to Temple Square with Brayden!(:

I would say 2011 has been absolutely the best year ever. Hoping 2012 can be even better!

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