Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hello and Goodbye

It's the start of the second semester! I'm happy to say that I ended 2nd term with another 4.0! That was my tenth in a row which means my consecutive GPA for high school is still a 4.0! It took a lot of work but it was worth it. Hopefully I'll do just as good this semester.

Third term brought about some changes. Some good and some bad.

I said goodbye to Gym and hello to Driver's Ed/Titan Pride!
Getting out of Fit For Life makes me incredibly happy. I hated that class more than any other. Driver's Ed should be fine but right now I'm in Titan Pride, a study skills class that goes along with it. It's the most pointless class I've ever been in. So far my teacher has just tried to teach us to write with our non-dominant hand and told us blonde jokes. Oh well, at least it'll be an easy A.

I said goodbye to Health and hello to Child Development!
Health was not a good class or a bad one. I didn't mind going, especially since I sat by Baylee. We had a pretty good time, and I might actually miss it a little. But I do think child development will be pretty fun. (:

I said goodbye to Interior Design and hello to Guitar!
Interior Design was probably my favorite class I've ever taken. I learned so much and had a lot of fun. I'll definitely miss this class a lot. Hopefully I'll be taking Interior Design 2 next year though. However, even though I'm really sad about that, I can't wait for guitar!!!!!! I get to be in there with Baylee! Plus, it's always been a goal of mine to learn another instrument. I really hope I can do it and that it will be a lot of fun. I know it'll take a lot of work but I'll put the time in for sure.

Because of guitar, I had to go buy one to have for the class!!

I love it and can't wait to learn how to play! I'm crossing my fingers that I'll pick it up quick!

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