Sunday, July 1, 2012

Baylee's Birthday!

Happy 17th Bay!(: What a fun time Brady and I had planning for her birthday! When thinking about what to get her, I remembered all the times we went to PetCo together to look at the Robo Hamsters. They're only an inch to three inches long, and we freak out over how adorable they are every time! I thought she might like to have one of her own! So Brady and I went to buy one. (Sidenote, they wouldn't let us buy one on our own because we're not 18. Apparently 16 year olds can't be responsible for another living thing. Whatever! Ha ha.) We picked one out, but the worker couldn't catch it. While she was trying to though, another little guy jumped right in and we knew he was the one. (: We bought a cage, a water bottle, and some food and we were set.

We played with him all day the day we got him, the day before Bay's birthday. He's the cutest, smallest thing we've ever seen. Here's some pictures:

Look at that little face! Awww(:

The size of him compared to my iPod. Yeah, he's little...(:

Precious little thing. After one day, we were so attached to him it was hard to give him to Baylee. (:

The next morning we got up early and got her favorite breakfast from Kneader's bakery. Then we went to her house to wake her up and sing to her, and had her blow out 17 candles in her french toast. (:
We then surprised her with her present wrapped in a box. She loved him and named him Gus Gus, like from Cinderella. (: Definitely a success!(:

She had family plans that day, so the three of us celebrated the next day with lunch at Rumbi Grill, some shopping, and a trip to Red Mango for some frozen yogurt. (:

Ha ha we love Hollister. (: 
I love this girl, and I'm so glad I got to celebrate her birthday with her!
Happy 17th Bay!(:

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