Thursday, July 19, 2012

Road Tripping It!

Got to take a road trip with my best friend! (: It was such a fun trip! Baylee and I went up to Idaho to stay with our ex-coworker friend Lis! She's going to school at BYU Idaho and so we got to stay in her apartment up there with her and her 5 coworkers, Shayla, Sambina, Sam, Paige, and Alli. It was quite the experience to live with all these people we didn't know, especially since some of them were totally out of control, and a couple were extremely rude to us! But her apartment was way nice and we had ourselves a fantastic time.

We started out with a three and a half hour drive up, and it was definitely rough. Started out nice, but ended up with us driving in a lightning storm. There was so much rain and people were pulled over everywhere you looked with their hazard lights on, and people sliding right off the road. We were terrifed and panic definitely took over. We made it safe and sound though luckily!!(:

We finally made it to The Ivy, her apartment complex.

After that adventures were free to begin(:

Grocery shopping...

Getting gelatti's...... (Which I'd never heard of before, but they're delightful. Layers of frozen custard and Italian ice. I'd like to eat them always.)

Taking pictures...


Shopping at the most adorable small town shops...

And touring the BYU Idaho campus!

This photo of Christ has ever single word of the Book of Mormon written on it, that's what the magnifying glass was for! It was way cool!

Basically it was so much fun, and I'll have memories that last a lifetime. (:

Summer is the greatest, I'm so lucky to have such great friends. ♥

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