Sunday, December 21, 2008


Erin and I really went caroling in French. Woo! We went to eight houses and sang carols like:
Vive Le Vent - Live the Wind (To the tune of Jingle Bells)
Rudolphe Le Renne Au Nez Rouge -Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer(I think you know the tune!)
We French pastry cookies to hand out to everyone. They are like little pastry sandwichs with frosting in the middle. We dyed the frosting red, white, and blue to make the french flag out of them. Oh yeah. It was awesome! Then we put a little paragraph of information about how the French celebrate Christmas! It was way cool! It was a lot of fun. Oh and thanks go to Katie for standing with us on everyone's porches.

1 comment:

Katie Paras said...

Hahha!!! Ashlie that was fun!!! And really cool to listen to you both singing in french!!! But the not so fun part was my feet where FREEZING!!! I thought they where going to fall off!!! LoL!!! How was your Christmas??? Guess what i got!!! A new Ipod!!! And an Ihome to go with it!!! How cool is that???!!! LoL!!! ttyl!!!