Monday, January 18, 2010

Jon Schmidt!

Our stake had a fireside for young single adults last night featuring Jon Schmidt. I know that I'm not a young single adult but I went anyways! Reason being, Jon Schmidt is like my idol! (No I don't worship him, I'm just saying! :) McKenzie and I got there 40 minutes early so that we could sit on the FrOnT row in front of the piano! He played four songs - including two of my all time favorites "All of Me" and "Waterfall." He is the most amazing pianist in the world in my opinion!! After the fireside was over, McKenzie and I got to meet him, shake his hand, and talk to him!! It was AmAzInG! (The only sad part was that I wanted him to play "Love Story Meets Viva La Vida" because that is my FaVoRiTe song of his, but since we were in the chapel he couldn't. It's ok though, I can listen to it over and over online!) We closed out the night by eating refreshments! Tons of yummy cookies and ice cream! It was an amazing night. I'll never forget it! (Oh and all of the songs forementioned are on my playlist for this blog if you wanted to listen!)

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