This week I got in two car accidents. Yes two. Who else is that lucky?
The first one wasn't me driving, I was just the passenger thank goodness. My friend was driving and she rear ended the driver in front of us. Although it sounded bad and we were all kind of freaking out, it didn't do a whole lot of damage and the other driver kindly told her not to worry about it, so we went on with our day, only slightly traumatized.
Well, then three days later, I hit a car. Awesome.
I was going to get my mom a drink from McDonald's, and as I pulled into their parking lot, I began to make my way towards the drive through. There were cars parked on both my left and my right. On my right there was a large black truck who's back end was sticking out pretty far. I was totally fine until I noticed the car in front of me trying to pass me on my left. He was cutting it really close and I was afraid he was going to hit me, so I swerved to the right a little, and drove right into the truck who had begun to back out. It made the worst noise in the world, and shook my car up. I parked and began sobbing. I just didn't know what to do.
I got out to go look at the damage, and my car was pretty bad. Dented across the door and scratched down almost the whole side of the car. I was crying hysterically as I went to look at the truck. The owner got out and saw me, and asked for my insurance card. I gave it to him and sat and cried while he wrote everything down. He was extremely kind about it, and very understanding.
I was a hundred percent sure that it'd be a different story with my parents, particularly with my Dad.
I drove home shaking and crying and went to get my mom. She wasn't upset with me, just very kind and patient, thank goodness because I was already a wreck. She came to look at my car and was a little shocked at how bad it was.
Trust me, it looked way worse than this. She was so nice and helped me wipe down my car, and we got all the scratches and scrape marks to come off, so the paint looked as good as new. I don't know how it worked out that way, but I'm so lucky it did.
She then had me show her the damage to the other car, which I'd taken a picture of.
I didn't cause the part on the side, just the front. Well we knew it'd probably still be a lot of money, and I was still crying. My mom called the guy and they talked for a little while, and in the end he said that he's gone through this with his daughter who totaled someone's Mercedes. He said he could see how upset I was and that he just wasn't going to have us worry about the charges, he wouldn't make us pay to fix his bumper.
I swear, he's going straight to heaven. I'm so blessed that he was so kind to me and that everything worked out the way it did. I'm so lucky to have a mom who was so patient and understanding about what happened, and who worked with me to make my car look as good as it could. Plus, my dad didn't kill me! He hasn't said a word about it to me actually, I don't know if that's a good thing or not, but I'm just feeling happy everything worked out.
That back door of my car no longer opens, but the car still works perfectly fine, and I'm lucky that's all the damage that was done to it.
No more accidents for me please! Ever!