First of all - the asking. Brayden asked me in such a clever way. I was sitting in Seminary and my teacher asked me to do the scripture for the class that day. I told him I would but then went about doing my own thing. Five minutes later he came back and told me I needed to get it ready then, and that it really needed to be out of the New Testament. So I opened my Bible and was surprised to see this:
Brayden had taken my scriptures and put this in them! A little cute poem and then a whole entire book of scripture. It's hard to read, but hopefully you get the idea. What a creative kid. I had to read it for my entire class and everybody loved it. I was super impressed.
Well then, I had to be equally creative in answering him, so after a lot of thought, here's what I ended up doing:
I dressed my little sisters up as angels, and late last Sunday night, we went to Brayden's house with a ladder. We set the ladder up under Brayden's window, and they climbed up and knocked on it. Haha his family was kinda freaked out, and I'm sure his neighbors were probably creeped out seeing us stealthily carry a ladder during the night into his backyard, but luckily it turned out well. He came to the window and opened it up, we shined flashlights on them to make them look like they were glowing, and they said:
"And behold, it came to pass that an angel appeared unto Brayden and Brayden was sore afraid. And the angel said unto him: Fear not, for I bring you good tidings of great joy. For unto you is answered this day in the city of Syracuse, the question that thou hast asked of the woman. And this shall be a sign unto you, you shall find the "babe," wrapped in beautiful clothes, standing in her doorway."
Haha it was so much fun and I thought it was pretty creative. (: We were glad we pulled it off. (:
Fast forward to Homecoming. It was literally amazing.
Day date: Their original plan to have a scavenger hunt didn't work out, so we went to the park to play games and paint t-shirts.
Frisbee golf champions two years in a row(:
Our shirts turned out way cute. I don't have any pictures, but mine says:
I'm with him ---------------->
And his says
I'm with her <------------------
So basically adorable.
We'll have to get a picture with them sometime!
Then we went to get ready for the dance. The lady that was doing my hair took too long on the person in front of me's hair, so I ended up making us way way late to dinner, but it all turned out just fine. (: I absolutely loved my dress this year!!
Brayden came and picked me up, we went to Colton's to have dinner which was absolutely delicious, and then off to pictures! I can't wait to see them, I think they're going to be way cute. (: I love getting pictures done!
Then we went and partied all night at the dance. And what a simply fantastic dance it was. One of the very best I've been to!(: I loved getting to go to my last Homecoming with my very best friend(: We looked adorable and he makes me so happy! There's no one I would have rather gone with. (:
Loved partying with our friends at the dance(:
I love this picture(: Gosh, why are we so cute?!(:
It was a day I'll never forget(:
Thank you my Brayden Stone(: