Thursday, April 22, 2010

La Caille 2010!!!!!

La Caille ceases to amaze me, even the second time around! I love it so much! We got to go again this year and had a great time. Mandi came so I was glad to have a friend with me! I took 109 pictures of the gorgeous grounds, all my friends, and the delicious food! For dinner we had the following in order of course number!
1) L'escargots (Snails) Yes, I did eat them yet again. Really not too bad. (:
2) Pineapple Sorbet (To cleanse the palet!) I love to say that. Makes me feel official. Very delicious though!
3) French bread with real, amazing french butter! Most delious thing EVER!
4) Salad with ranch dressing! Yummy and traditional.
5) The main course - You could choose between a chicken dish, a salmon dish, and a vegetarian dish. Last year I had the vegetarian dish but this year I went with the chicken. GOOD CHOICE! I like it a lot better. It was amazing. (:
6) Banana Fosters. Dessert! Ice cream, caramel, and bananas, mixed together, alcohol added, and set on fire!!!!! The alcohol burns out. It was amazing again! Still have my cool videos of it!

We went with Legacy Junior and North Layton Junior too. It was fun to see them all there. Anyways, had a blast! You can see the pictures below! Ciao!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

SpRiNg FeVeR!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my snap crackle pop! It's finally starting to feel like SPRING! I have been loving it! I absolutely love this season! Especially going outside in the evenings and it's like room temperature outside! Spring fever is fabulous. I think it's going to my head though, because I am blogging instead of doing my homework. Oh, wait, I always do that! (: Ha ha. Anyways, here are some fun/exciting things that I am happy about!

1) I went to Natalie's baptism last Saturday! It was beautiful! She is just darling. I was really glad I went. (Picture stolen from Facebook) (:

2)Glee is back on after my endless waiting! It was great last Tuesday and I'm excited to see what happens tonight! Love that show!

3)La Caille!! I have been waiting since last year to go again! I loved it last year and my French class is going again this Thursday! It is going to be beautiful! (: They have the most amazing food, and it is such an elegant resturant! Normally meals there are around 100 dollars so this is a fabulous opportunity! I can't wait! Especially since the weather is so beautiful!

4) I bought some cute jeans yesterday! (: I ♥ ♥ ♥ shopping!

5) Our young womens auction is Saturday. It's going to be a lot of fun! And we are doing marshmallow wars tomorrow!

6) SCHOOLS ALMOST OUT! Finally. Seriously, ninth grade has been terrible. I miss summer/freedom sooo much!

7) Princess Prep Academy is next Friday! So. Much. Fun.

8) ..........I think that's it. Well, I guess I can't procrastinate forever..

Friday, April 2, 2010

BesT DaY EveR!!!!!!!!!

Yes! I made it to spring break! I'm so excited. One whole nice week off. And it DEFINITELY started off amazingly! Katie came with me to watch The Last Song today. Oh. My. Gosh. BEST MOVIE EVER. I bawled like a baby. It was so sad and touching. I loved it. Go see it. You'll be happy you did. I plan on seeing it again next week actually. So after that, we wiped all the make up off our faces and went to Walmart. At Walmart we came up with this theory of suing WalMart based off of entirely true events. (Minus the buying of antidepressants and dying.) So here goes:

Why We Are Suing Walmart: When we walked in, we bought some ice cream that didn't come with a spoon. When we kindly asked McDonalds' for one, they told us that spoons cost twenty cents each which we didn't have. So we were sad and read magazines to make us feel better about ourselves. There was so much filth in these magazines that we needed to be uplifted in the children's area. We found a talking play dog which caused us to believe animals can talk. So we went to the fishy area to see if they could. There, we found that Wal Mart treats animals cruely. The dead fish were being eaten by other starving fish. This caused us to be depressed. So we bought anti-depressant pills. Which we eventually overdosed on. Which caused us to die.

Pretty amazing right? Yeah, we ended up eating our ice cream with plastic bags from the produce section. We also rode around kids bikes and pushed try me buttons galore. We ate our ice cream while sitting on a furniture shelf.

Anyways. Great day. Enjoy spring break. Go see The Last Song.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Random Post! (:

Today I don't have any homework so this is just kind of me wanting to post something! Ok.. to start off, guess what movie came out yesterday?!?!? THE LAST SONG! I've been dying to see this movie from the moment I started the book. I've watched the trailer hundreds of times, I've loved the music video, I've seen all the feauturettes including interviews with the cast and Nicholas Sparks, and I've even read the Production Notes. Ha ha. So, point is, I can't wait to go see it tomorrow with Katie!

So guess what? It's spring! (Well, minus the cold temperature and the fact that it snowed today :( )I'm excited for zillions of reasons! Some being fourth term, spring clothes - no more coats and boots, bring on the shorts! , the sunshine, the flowers, etc... Yep! It's true! No matter how long the winter is, Spring is sure to follow!

Lastly, these are just some quotes that I like!
♥ Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was my choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.
♥ Be the change you want to see in the world. - Gaundi
♥ To be successful in scchool you need three things : Good grades, an amazing social life, and sleep. Now choose two.
♥ True friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.
♥ When I first saw you I was afraid to talk to you, when I first talked to you I was afraid to like you, when I first liked you I was afraid to love you, and now that I love you I'm afraid to lose you.

Oh and I bought some sparkly makeup yesterday. It was fun. I also bought vanilla icing lip gloss and cookies n' cream chapstick. It's amazing. Well bye! (: Enjoy Spring Fever!!