Tuesday, April 20, 2010

SpRiNg FeVeR!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my snap crackle pop! It's finally starting to feel like SPRING! I have been loving it! I absolutely love this season! Especially going outside in the evenings and it's like room temperature outside! Spring fever is fabulous. I think it's going to my head though, because I am blogging instead of doing my homework. Oh, wait, I always do that! (: Ha ha. Anyways, here are some fun/exciting things that I am happy about!

1) I went to Natalie's baptism last Saturday! It was beautiful! She is just darling. I was really glad I went. (Picture stolen from Facebook) (:

2)Glee is back on after my endless waiting! It was great last Tuesday and I'm excited to see what happens tonight! Love that show!

3)La Caille!! I have been waiting since last year to go again! I loved it last year and my French class is going again this Thursday! It is going to be beautiful! (: They have the most amazing food, and it is such an elegant resturant! Normally meals there are around 100 dollars so this is a fabulous opportunity! I can't wait! Especially since the weather is so beautiful!

4) I bought some cute jeans yesterday! (: I ♥ ♥ ♥ shopping!

5) Our young womens auction is Saturday. It's going to be a lot of fun! And we are doing marshmallow wars tomorrow!

6) SCHOOLS ALMOST OUT! Finally. Seriously, ninth grade has been terrible. I miss summer/freedom sooo much!

7) Princess Prep Academy is next Friday! So. Much. Fun.

8) ..........I think that's it. Well, I guess I can't procrastinate forever..

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