Saturday, September 4, 2010


Don't you think hullabaloo is an awesome word? I was going to call this post excitement. But I use that word far too much. So I went to and found a synonym. Better right? (: So..... this post is about the hullabaloo in my life right now!
1) I am getting a new room in the basement!!!! Ah! It's official now. My dad took measurements and stuff tonight and is getting ready to start. Apparently it is prewired so it should be pretty easy. I get my own floor since I'm the only one downstairs and my own bathroom!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait.

2) Isn't this the CUTEST baby nursery you've ever seen in your lifetime?
I fell in love with it when I saw it. It is Tasha Smedley's baby Ivy's nursery. She is going to be one spoiled little girl. Tasha won pretty much every pageant she ever entered and was Miss Teen Utah a couple years ago. Now she's a jazz dancer. Amazing person who was nice enough to let me borrow her dress!

3) Saw Inception. All I have to say is wow. I really liked it. It was hard to follow but turned out to be a really good movie.

4) Fell in love. With this song. Named Mine. By Taylor Swift.

It's so cute and I love her voice! And I love the music video. I give it a ten!

5) Went to a football game at the high school. Not because I like football, but because I got to see a lot of my friends and buy cinnamon tortilla chips from Taco Time! I love those things. But I know that we won! Go Titans! It's crazy, I actually have school spirit. Never would have said that last year!

6) Ha ha I love Saturday Night Live sometimes! Click on the link if you would like to spend your time watching them. (:

That's pretty much it. Hope you have lots of hullabaloo in your life too! 

1 comment:

Mikayla said...

I would love to! :) Just, if you would e-mail me.. and we can talk about it more...