Sunday, July 10, 2011

Family Reunion

For my mom's side of the family, our reunion this year was in Brian Head. I don't know where that is - just somewhere in the mountains. We had a lot of fun!!
Our reunion included:

- A wedding! McKay and Carrie! ♥

- Chilling with Mica, who lives in Chicago and we hardly ever get to see. But I freaking love this kid. He's hilarious.

- A 5k! (Which I happily sat out of :)

- Playing lots of pool!

- A 50th anniversary celebration

- Lots of cousins!

- Visiting with family!

-Learning to play ukele

- A ski lift ride!

- Exploring the mountains!

- Making and launching air rockets

- Playing in the snow

- And the world's cutestet babies. Jack and Atreyu.

I love Atreyu's shirt. (: It's just darling. My favorite little cousins! (:

We had a way fun reunion this year. Lots of good memories!

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