Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lake Powell!!!

Part of our trip was going to Arizona and visiting Lake Powell with our boat!! It was amazing. The lake is so gorgeous, you're just surrounded by the big red rocks. I love it. My new favorite lake. It's huge too! Ah! Just perfect. It was so much fun! The second day though, Isaac lost the keys. We didn't know it til we had our boat in the water ready to go and realized that they were gone. We searched everywhere for them, but never found them. We ended up having to go to some guy's house because he was the only locksmith who worked on boats. After hours of all this, we got keys and headed to the lake again. We had such an incredible time and I'm excited to go again!!

Cliff jumping was amazing. It's terrifying and exhilerating all at the same time! We ended up jumping off of 30 feet tall ones!! It was so scary, but amazing! I loved it!!

Visiting the dam!

Kneeboarding is my favorite! I love to do 360's, and go over the wake! It's just so fun!

I love boating! And beautiful Lake Powell! ♥

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I can't believe you jumped from the cliffs! You are one brave girl.