Monday, December 26, 2011

Resolution Check

I made some resolutions last year for 2011. Did I actually accomplish them??

- "Finish personal progress. I have 2 values left and I'm going to finish soon. Then I'll start working on my honor bee." Yes! I got my Medallion and I've kind of started working on my Honor Bee. I need to do better though!

- "Get straight 4.0's. Hopefully." Yep (:

- "Make new friends. I love making new friends!" I have made lots of new friends! Grateful for all of them!

- "Make more of an effort to keep my room looking nice. It shouldn't be hard to clean it if I do it every day." Well..... this goal really didn't get accomplished.... It's hard to find time...

- "Try to be more aware of other people and their needs and help them if I can." Hoping that I have! I've made an effort!

- "Give more compliments! I love making people smile." I definitely try. Even if people don't always appreciate them, I like to find something nice to say to everyone. This has been a fun goal to work on!

"Read. I just plain and simply need to read more often." I have half accomplished this goal. I have been reading, but still not as much as I could be. It's hard, especially now that I have a job, to read anything but the books I'm assigned to read in school. I'll keep working on it!

I like to look at my progress on goals. Hope your resolutions went well this year!

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