Sunday, June 28, 2009

Heritage Days Part 2!

So Heritage Days is officially over. It's pretty sad. But I have learned, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." I don't remember where I heard that, but I like it! Anyways, like in my last Heritage Days post, this post is mostly for myself to be able remember everything in detail. This week has been the most incredible week ever and I feel so lucky to be able to have participated in it all! So, I shall begin.

Thursday - The Childrens' Parade
On Thursday I got to lead the Syracuse City Children's Parade! For some reason it actually took place at Bluffridge Elementary, but that doesn't really matter. The theme for the parade was "The Stone Age." I dressed up in my first attendant's costume of Pebbles Flintstone. I wore a pink toga looking thing with black spots all over it and pink leg warmers with a black skirt. It was pretty funny. The Standard Examiner took a picture of all of the Royalty all dressed up, so look for it in the paper! We led all of the hundreds of kids around the Bluffridge Track. It was the smallest parade ever, but all of the little kids had fun. After the parade the Royalty painted faces. Everything there was free! We had bouncy's, games, and food. I loved painting the faces! It was so much fun! The little kids were so cute. I probably painted around fifty faces but I loved doing it! I painted things like snakes, flowers, butterfly, dolphins, and even spiders. (One of the girls painted horses! She is way talented!) I mostly painted by hand but we did have some stamps that we painted and then stamped onto the kids' faces. Thursday night was a night I will never forget!

Friday - Booths and Entertainment, Movie, and Concert in the Park
Friday was definitely an interesting day. We were supposed to stay at the park from 5:00 - 9:00, just kind of hanging out and walking around. Well, after an hour of that, I left to go to a Young Women's auction. While I was there, it started raining!!! Literally pouring rain! It was crazy. After the auction, I went back over to the park to check if anyone was still there, or if I needed to be there anymore. It was completely rained out. Everything was shut down and no one was there. The night was totally ruined and I was pretty upset. Especially because the parade was the next morning and I REALLY wanted to be in that. I was totally worried that it was going to rain!

Saturday - Pancake Breakfast, PARADE, Booths and Entertainment, Fireworks
Saturday was one of the longest days EVER! It was awesome but really long! So my day started out at 5:30 AM. I woke up to get ready and then headed over to the Pancake Breakfast at 6:45. It started at 7:00. It was the Royalty's job to serve everyone who came to it. We had pancake (obviously), sausage and hashbrowns. I only ate a hashbrown and a sausage because I don't like pancakes but they were good anyway. I was in charge of serving sausages. I gave everyone two when they walked by. It was fun but I couldn't wait for the parade. Plus there wasn't even a cloud in the sky!!! After an hour and a half of serving breakfast, the Royalty went with the AMAZING pageant director Marla Call, to her house to change into our dresses for the parade. Marla's house is GORGEOUS!!!! The way she decorated it is unbelieveable! When I have my own house someday, I am going to call her and have her design it for me! Seriously she should be an interior decorator!!!!! But anyways, back on topic. After we quickly changed, I met last year's Little Miss Syracuse, Brinley (Rhima?). She was the sweetest little eight year old ever. She was way talkative and a lot of fun! I am glad I got to ride with her in the parade. (It was her exiting parade.) So Brinley, the Other Teen Royalty, and I went and hopped into our white Mustang Convertible (brand new I may add!). We sat on top of the car and put signs on the sides of the car that said our names and titles. Then before I knew it, we were off! We drove down and lined up in the parade order. As the parade started, we smiled and waved at everyone we saw. People were taking pictures of us and clapping for us! It was awesome! I saw so many people there, the Brophy's, the Chandler's, the Stevenson's, my own family, the Butler's, and SO many more. I loved the experience of the parade and I truly hope I NEVER forget any detail of it. After the parade, the driver of the car took us back to Marla's house. It was funny, we drove along a busy road sitting on top of a convertible. Everyone was giving us funny looks! Plus while we were driving, the signs that we put on the car fell off. We had to back the car up and go get them! And then as we kept driving, we found the signs of the other convertible that had fallen off! Ha ha! Anyway, when we got back to Marla's house we changed back into our normal clothes and headed for the park. We were supposed to be there until 11:00 pm. I know, 6:30am - 11:00pm is totally crazy! Well I walked around the park checking out all of the booths. I even bought a couple cute watches from a company called Bead Us! If you want to look at the watches, their website is "". Everyone was so friendly to me, it was a lot of fun!!! I even won a prize from getting three cards right on Mad Gab. Ha ha. Oh, and I won a pencil too! I spun a wheel, it landed on a dinosaur, and I got a color changey pencil!!! It was awesome! I saw a lot of people I knew here too! Such as the Robinson's, the Kimball's, the Jensen's, the Fink's, and many many others! McKenzie even walked around with me a lot during the day so that I wasn't by myself. I ate this amazing funnel cake and churro while I was there! Yum! I also had a couple soda's and two Wedding Cake flavored snow cones! Also yum! There was tons of booths and food stands to look at that kept me very entertained. There was this one booth selling "Miche" bags. They are so cool. They are purses with magnets inside. So you buy one purse and then after that, you buy what are called "shells." They are designs that magnet on the outside of your purse. So they are interchangeable! They are really expensive, but I think they are pretty cool! Then we watched the finale of Syracuse Idol. It was fun. The Royalty was introduced onstage again and then we passed out ballets to vote on the Contestants. Afterwards everything was kind of getting shut down. That was at 9:00pm. The next event on the list was fireworks. I couldn't go because my mom thought that I would be home too late. So yeah. But Saturday was an incredible, amazing, awesome, fantastic, day!

I loved Heritage Days, and every part of my experience as Miss Teen Syracuse so far. Here a a few pictures of this week!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Heritage Days Part One!

So Heritage Days is half-way over and I really want to be able to remember this experience. Blogging just happens to be the perfect way to do that. So I am going through all the days so far!
Dinner and a Show and Syracuse Idol
I went with all of the royalty and my jumelle Erin to eat dinner. We had breadsticks, spaghetti, cookies, and salad. It was all pretty good. Afterwards, I was introduced to the community as their Miss Teen Syracuse. Then we watched Syracuse Idol. There was twelve contestants and three? judges. I watched them all perform their first song. As part of my platform, I decided to go through all of the trash cans to collect all recyclables. It was pretty disgusting but Erin helped me and we got through it. Over all it was an awesome night and I will always remember it.

Senior Luncheon
I got to the Senior Luncheon about 30 minutes early. So I got to greet everyone as they came in. Everyone was so nice to me - congratulating me, telling me how pretty I looked, and just being grateful for everything. After the rest of the royalty showed up, we began to serve dinner. Everyone was so gracious about it! We served them fruit cups, drinks, cookies, their entree, and ice cream. There was so many people there! I was really surprised at the huge turn-out! But it was fun! Next, they had both of the queens (Brinlee and I) perform our talent. We did, and I was kind of nervous at first, but no one paid any attention anyways. So everything turned out fine. Lastly, the mayor had us give out prizes. There was a wide variety of prizes you could win - clocks, glasses, plants, flowers, pans, and other items. After it was over, I once again collected the recycling and helped clean up. I am glad for the experience and I get to do it the last Friday of every month this year!

All-Star Baseball Game
For the game Brinlee and I had to throw out the first pitches! I was unbelieveably nervous! I don't play baseball and I was being expected to pitch the first ball, Overhand!!! Yikes! Well, I got to the pitcher's mound and threw the ball the best that I could, and it made it to the catcher ok. Everyone clapped so it was all good in the end! All that worrying for nothing!

I'm realizing that I need to enjoy and remember everything that I do this year. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity!

I hope everyone has an awesome day! Ciao!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Random Photo Tag!

I am liking these tags! They are all so random and fun! So this one is the random photo tag from one of my friends. I tag Katie, Baylee, and Erin! What you are supposed to do, is go to your 6th photo file, pick the 6th picture and then put it on your blog! So here is mine!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

I am the new Miss Syracuse Outstanding Teen for 2009!

Now that I taking off my dress, heels, and make-up, I am ready to document everything that happened at the Miss Syracuse Outstanding Teen Pageant this year. I am so excited to be Miss Syracuse Outstanding Teen for 2009 and it is going to be a great year for me! I am going to start by thanking my amazing hostess Heidi Brophy. She was the one who helped me through the whole thing. She did my hair, my make-up, helped me with my wardrobe changes, and supported me the whole time! I couldn't have done it without her and I'm grateful that she was willing to do all of this for me!

First Stage of Competition - Interview
The interview was really scary. That is the first time I met the judges, who turned out to be extremely nice, but I didn't know that. The interview was 8 minutes long and they asked me questions like, "How would you defend your platform of recycling to someone who doesn't believe in global warming?" "Your grades are phenomenal - How do you keep them that way?" "You are involved in so many things, what types of physical activities do you do to help you stay fit?" Those are just a few. My favorite question was "How did you like getting your braces off?" Ha ha! That was just a fun and easy question! So I had to stand in my business outfit behind a podium (without touching it of course) with good posture and answer all of their questions with confident answers. That was one of the worst parts, but I was told I did great.

Second Stage of Competition - Production Number
The production number was a lot of fun. All of the contestants came out on stage in black shirts and jeans and we did a dance to Jordin Spark's "One Step at a Time." We introduced ourselves at the microphone. Super fun.

Third Stage of Competition - Lifestyle and Fitness/Swimming Suit
So after the production number I rushed offstage to change into my next outfit as quickly as possible. We don't have that much time backstage you know! So the teen contestants had to do sportswear while the miss contestants had to do swim suit. I am glad I didn't have to do swim suit, I think that is totally sad. But anyways, I dressed up in a Syracuse Junior High cheerleading uniform with my hair all up high with ribbons and I prepared to go on! When it was finally my turn (I always went fourth out of ten because I was Contestant Number 4) I picked up my pom-poms and started to rally onstage. I set my pom-poms down and did a front limber (That is a handstand backbend incase you didn't know.) Then I did a kick, picked my pom-poms back up and did my rallying offstage again. Throughout the whole thing I shouted things like, "Go Syracuse!" "We're number one!" "To the top!" "Come on!" and "SJH!" The sportswear part was just lots of fun for me!

Fourth Stage of Competition - Talent
I got dressed in my sparkly talent dress and walked onstage as the emcee read my introduction. I sat down and played my piano solo titled, "On the Wings of a Song." I didn't mess up and it sounded great in my opinion! I acknowledged the judges and walked off the stage again.

Fifth Stage of Competition - Eveningwear
After putting on my little princess dress, I was escorted onstage by Officer Penrod of the Syracuse Police Department. We walked to the front, did a little high five and then he left me alone on the stage. I proceeded to do a figure-eight around the stage all the while smiling at the judges of course. Then, I walked offstage again!

Sixth Stage of Competition - Onstage Question
The onstage question was the part for me that really really worried me. It was only worth 5% of the score, but still... We just wore our formal dresses again to compete in this stage. I walked up to the emcee and picked my question. (We all picked out a slip of paper from a fishbowl with a question on it.) The emcee read my question outloud, "What qualities do you look for in your friends?" I didn't sound amazing but my reply was, "The qualities I look for in my friends are loyalty, honesty, and just being a fun person." I know, I know, kinda weird...

And that was the end. We waited for the judges to calculate the scores while we watched a slideshow, and had the Princess Prep Academy girls go on stage and answer some questions. Then we all went onstage while they announced the winner of the ticket contest. (We had a competition to see who could sell the most pre-sale tickets, and I'm pretty sure the girl that won was Payton Moore.) We all exited the stage again. Then the Miss Syracuse Outstanding Teen from 2008, Hayley, performed her talent and did her goodbye walk. Before I knew it, it was time to announce the winners. All of the contestants went back on stage and nervously waited. We were all given a rose. Then they announced the first award, the Spirt of Syracuse. All the contestants voted for one another to receive this award and Jordyn Nielson won. Next, they announced the first attendant. (This was my goal.) It was announced that Payton Moore won the first attendant place. Now I was feeling really nervous. Then they announced the Miss Syracuse Outstanding Teen, me! I felt like I was on top of the world! It was an amazing experience! After it was over I was congratulated by so many amazing people! I loved having so many little girls come up to me asking me to sign their programs! They were all so cute! There was so many pictures, awards, presents, and flowers! I really loved this whole thing and now I get to go on to the Miss Utah Outstanding Teen Pageant! Woo! I am really excited to be able to serve my community in this way! Especially to get to be involved in Heritage Days! I hope I serve my title well!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

8 Things


1. The Biggest Loser
2. Full House
3. American Idol
4. What Not to Wear
5. ICarly
6. Jon and Kate Plus 8
7. All the Disney Channel Stuff
8. Say Yes to the Dress

2. Javiers
3. Olive Garden
4. Macaroni Grill
5. Chili's
6. Applebee's
7. Fazoli's
8. Dragon Hill

1. Did chores
2. Got my cheerleading uniform
3. Turned in my pageant tickets
4. Went with Whitnie to tumbling
5. Watched TV
6. Played on Facebook
7. Updated my blog
8. Checked my Email

1. Getting my Driver's license
2. Going to Paris!
3. My pageant
4. High School
5. Christmas
6. My Birthday
7. End of School
8. Shopping

1. The weather
2. The pretty scenery
3. Halloween
4. Thanksgiving
5. It gets cold at night
6. The fall colors
7. Hot chocolate!
8. Start of School...sort of!

1. Money!
2. Going to Paris!
3. A car
4. A gorgeous house
5. Personal Hair Stylist
6. More clothes and a bigger closet :)
7. A swimming pool
8. Powers to fly

1. Katie
2. Erin
3. Baylee
4. Lisa
5. Linda
6. Alyssa
7. Jamie
8. Deborah

Fantabulously Frugal Giveaway!

So, I saw this Fantabulously Frugal button on one of my friend's blogs. I went to look at the site and there is an awesome giveaway! I am entering and you guys should too! It is a lot of fun! That's all for now!

Monday, June 8, 2009

100 Truths

I got tagged! Now I tag Katie, Erin, and Baylee!

1. Last beverage → I believe it was milk!
2. Last phone call → Rebekah
3. Last text message → Hey! (to Markie)
4. Last song you listened to → One Step at A Time by Jordin Sparks. That is what I am dancing to for my pageant!
5. Last time you cried → IDK for sure but probably a couple of days ago
1. Dated someone twice? → Nope
.2. Been cheated on? → Nope
3. Kissed someone? → Nope
4. Lost someone special? → Friends
5.Been depressed? → Somewhat
6. Been drunk and threw up? → Of course not!!
1. Pink
2. Purple
3. Silver
4. Black
1. Made new friends → Of course! Who hasn't?!
2. Fallen out of love → Nope, never been in love!
3. Laughed until you cried → Yeppers!
4. Met someone who changed you → I think so
.5. Found out who your true friends were → Yes
. Found out someone was talking about you → IDK
7. Kissed anyone on your Facebook friend's list → Never!
8. How many people on your Facebook friends list do you know in real life - I think all of them
9. How many kids do you want to have → 2
10. Do you have any pets → Yes a doggy named Levi
.11. Do you want to change your name → No, but I might want to change the spelling of it from Ashlie to Ashlee
13. What time did you wake up today → 7:51
14. What were you doing at midnight last night → Sleeping
15. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Going to Paris
16. Last time you saw your father → right now
17. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Have more money!
18. What are you listening to right now → My parents
19. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → I am pretty sure
23. What's getting on your nerves right now? → My new chore list!
24. Most visited webpage → Hotmail or Facebook
1. What's your name? → Ashlie
3. Relationship Status → Single
4. Zodiac sign → Cancer
5. Male or female or transgendered → Female
6. Primary School → Lakeside Elementary, Cook Elementary, West Valley Elementary, and Grovecrest Elementary
7. Middle School → Syracuse Jr. High
8. High school → Don't attend high school yet!
10. Hair color → Blonde
11. Long or short → Long
16. Height → 5’7''
17. Do you have a crush on someone? → Nope
18: What do you like about yourself? → My outgoingness
19. Piercings → My ears and ONLY my ears
20. Tattoos → Zero. Ew.
21. Righty or lefty → Righty.
22. First surgery → Never had surgery!
23.First piercing → Ears, age 10.
24. First best friends → Brielle!
26. First sport you joined → Cheerleading
27. First pet → Sebastian my dog
28. First vacation → Las Vegas ha ha
29. First concert → Voice Male?
30. First word → Dada lol
49. Eating → Nothing
50. Drinking → Nothing
52. I'm about to → Take a shower
53. Listening to → Some weird TV show
55. Waiting for → Saturday!
58. Want kids? Yeah
.59. Want to get married? Probably
60. Careers in mind? Maybe a Personal Trainer, or an Orthodontist
68. Lips or eyes → Probably eyes
69. Hugs or kisses → Hugs
70. Shorter or taller → Taller.
71. Older or Younger → Doesn't matter
72. Romantic or spontaneous → Spontaneous
.73. Nice stomach or nice arms → Arms
74. Sensitive or loud → Loud
75. Dinner or Movie → Movie
77. Trouble maker or hesitant → In between
78. Kissed a stranger → No way!
79. Drank hard liquor → NEVER!
80. Lost glasses/contacts → Probably
81. Had your first date→ nope
82. Broken someone's heart → Nope
83. Had your own heart broken → Nope
85. Been arrested → Never!
86. Turned someone down → No
87. Cried when someone died → No. No one really close to me has died.
88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → No
89. Yourself → Yes!
90. Miracles → Yes
91. Love at first sight → Probably!
92. Heaven → Yes
93. Santa Clause → No
95. Kiss on the first date? → Maybe
96. Angels → Yes
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Maybe
98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → Nope
99. Posting this as 100 Truths? → Sure.
100. There wasn't one - stupid!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Happy, Exciting, Wonderful, Fantabularistic, Out of this World, News!

I am in an awesome mood right now, like most people can probably tell from the title of this post! But what is there not to be happy about? (Hmmmm there is one thing but I can hopefully get over that...) School is out in only two more days! Yearbook signing day is tomorrow and Friday so we are basically doing nothing for the rest of the week. But the most amazing thing in my life right now is GETTING MY BRACES OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo!!!! I get them off tomorrow morning at 8:30 am!!!!!!!!! Yay! I am so excited!! It is going to be GREAT not to have metal in my mouth!!! Happiness! My pageant is up-and-coming pretty quickly and that will be fun. I am not really doing it to win, I am doing it to have an experience to remember and to just have fun! But other than that, life is the same old stuff. Oh wait! Erin's B-day party is on Saturday! Erin invited Baylee and I (and us three are on a team,) and Deborah, Rachel, and Schuyler? are on a team. We are going to Surf N' Swim and then playing Survivor! Coolio huh? Plus this year, Erin and I have jumelle (twin) swimming suits from Justice! They are cute and we have flip-flops to match! It will be a lot of fun and it gives me something to look forward to! That is pretty much everything. Wait! I remembered something else! No J/K. Bye blogging buddies!