Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fantabulously Frugal Giveaway!

So, I saw this Fantabulously Frugal button on one of my friend's blogs. I went to look at the site and there is an awesome giveaway! I am entering and you guys should too! It is a lot of fun! That's all for now!


Katie Paras said...

Hey ashlie, do you know how to add just one big video from youtube??? I really want to get one i just cant figure out how!!! And its making me really mad!!! LoL:) ttyl!!!

Baylee said...

I know how!!! Okay, so go to the video you want, start watching it, and on the VERY side (information box, usually has llyrics if a song) it has codes that say, "Embed" or "HTML". Highlight and copy the EMBED code! then go to your blog, add a gadget, html/javascript and paste it!! Save!!