Thursday, May 27, 2010

Piano Recital 2010

Wow, another recital down, more humliation to live with. I was sooo prepared for this piano recital but in the middle of it I forgot what I was playing and really messed up. However I kept going so I was proud of myself. I know I messed up because I had to go 13th. That's my unlucky number. Sigh, it was too bad. I played it in seminary the day after, today, and did just fine with a few wrong notes. So, I definitely know it was the 13 thing. Nonetheless, it went ok. We went to Olive Garden with my Grandparents like we ususally do! Yum! Plus my Grandma bought my M&Ms and an amazingly cool bookmark!! Afterwards me and McKenzie headed to Lisa's house for a Young Women's party! It was was fun! That's about all. Oh, except, I wanted to say that this year for the recital I played "Tarantella" by Pieczonka. Ha ha! Bye!

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