Tuesday, July 27, 2010


1) So as you can tell, my blog layout is brand new. It pretty much underwent an extreme makeover : blog edition. Reason? When I pulled up my blog a few days ago, my background was gone. Turns out, The Cutest Blog on the Block removed it from their photobucket account. Now honestly, I was crushed!! My background has stayed the same since I got my blog in 2008!! I was soo attached to it! It just screamed me!!! But anyways, I am liking this new layout too. Hopefully there won't be any problems since I'm using Shabby Blogs instead of The Cutest Blog on the Block this time. (:

2) I recently helped out along with McKenzie and Baylee at Whitnie's birthday party. She did a spa day. It was actually pretty fun. We did facials, manicures, pedicures, and hair.

3) For YW/YM's we went boating at Pineview again! I just love that our ward has so many boats that we get to go boating for our activities!! I love the beach!! The water was nice and my favorite thing was tubing! Lyndsey is the funnest person to go tubing with ever!

That's the latest and greatest from me! I hope everyone is having an awesome summer! (:

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