Monday, March 21, 2011

End of Term

This was probably the most stressful term I've ever had. With two days left, I had straight A's and a C! A C!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it. And it was in guitar, of all classes that could ruin my 4.0 GPA, it had to be an elective. It wasn't fair either because I hadn't had the opportunity to pass off my missing song. The way it works in Mr. Waymen's class is we get 15 minutes at the end of class to pass off songs. There are around 40 kids in my class and we had to pass off 6 songs this term. Now if each song takes about five minutes to play, how are all 40 students going to pass off all 6 songs in 15 minutes every day? Not to mention he missed like 12 days this term. I was willing to do it before school, during lunch, on the weekend, WHENEVER. But he refused to accomodate any of us and said that pass-offs were only during class and if you didn't make it through the line, too bad for you.

So my mom emailed him, called him 3 times, and tried to go down to talk to him at the school but he wasn't there. Eventually he called her back and told her that if I could manage to get in line really fast the last day of term, and play the hardest song really well and sing, I'd be capable of doing well enough to go from a C to an A. So I practiced for 6 hours on Thursday hoping I'd be good enough! I needed at least a 94/100. Singing gives me 5 extra credit points. But the best I'd ever gotten on any easy song was 91. And this was the hardest song of the term, so it was a lot of pressure!

Baylee was in the same situation as me so Friday, we got permission from our 7th period teachers to leave class five minutes early so we could get to guitar early and make sure we got to sit right next to his office so we could be the first in line for pass-offs. Luckily, we were close to the front and I got the opportunity to go pass off my song, Kumbaya! After I finished, he told me my fingers weren't pushing hard enough on the strings and that the sound was too blended so I didn't think I did it, but he told me I did well and kept going so he'd give me a 94!!!!! I GOT AN A! That was my 12th 4.0 in a row! An accomplishment that I'm really proud of!!

However, things didn't go so well for Bay. He wouldn't let her pass it off, so she ended up with a D-. She got her mom involved though and they screamed at each other for an hour and now they're going to talk to the principal about it. So much drama! Anyways, he gave her an incomplete until she is able to pass off her songs. So hopefully this all ends well!

Needless to say, I'm thrilled that the term is over. This year is flying by so fast it's crazy!

To celebrate:
♥ Did some more Wreck This Journal-ing!

♥ My dad bought the world's largest pizza. No joke, it was HUGE. I came home and saw it on the counter and my jaw dropped!

♥ Went to see Red Riding Hood with Bay and Aly! LOVED it! It was pretty freaky but a totally amazing movie. It was just so intense! (Yes, I did have Sophie with me which was a little scary, but I had everything ready to go so I was able to take care of her crying before it got loud and I didn't have to leave the movie. What a well behaved baby. ;)

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