Monday, March 21, 2011

Meet Sophie!

This was my weekend to take home a Real-Care baby for child development! I was pretty excited about it actually. I had heard from so many people that they hated it, but I loved it! It was so much fun! I don't really want to give her back! I've just fallen in love with her! Most of the time it was pretty easy. She didn't wake up too much at night, other than Saturday. Even then it was liveable. My only problem was that her head was super sensitive! If it even moved a little bit, or the car seat was bumped or something, Sophie would scream indicating that her head fell too far back. So that was kind of frustrating. But really, it was a way fun weekend.
Isn't she an adorable little hispanic baby? (:
I even found a cute little hat that matched her outfit for her to wear. (:

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