Sunday, April 24, 2011

We're Crazy

I was cleaning out a binder from first semester when I happened to find all these notes Bay and I wrote in health. I laughed so hard! They're ridiculous! For memory purposes, I'm posting a few lines from it. (: Bay is going to be bold, and I'm italics!

Brady is a monkey and she's gonna rip your face off.
Hee hee... yes she is! Although your drawing of a monkey sorta looks like a mutation of a cow and a polar bear.
Your FACE is a mutation of a cow and a polar bear. WHAT?
Your EXISTANCE is a mutation of a cow and a polar bear!
Your mama's uncles faces beard is a mutation of a cow and a polar bear.
Your adopted baby bird from Mexico named Tim is a mutation of cow and a polar bear!
Your deranged mexican jumping bean named Fabio Enrique Iglesias is a mutation of a cow and a polar bear!
Ha ha yeah so anyways, the idgit in front of us smells like smoke. I can't breathe! I'm gonna like die of suffocation!
It's true! I'm gonna die of second hand smoke! DIRT bag.
So I think I'll just make a list of random thought provoking questions mmm k?
1) Is Petsmart meant to say Pets' Mart or Pet Smart? SO true. I've always wondered about that!
2) How come no matter what color bubble bath you use, the bubbles always are clear?! Haha I really don't know!
3) How many needles do you think are one a pinetree?

There's a lot of scary Fantines in our class.
Ha ha yeah..... If we were princesses, Brady would be Belle, I'd be Sleeping Beauty, and you'd be Cinderella. (:
So true! I love Cinderella! ♥
She's an absolute doll. (:

Brady's a polygamist.... I need to have a little talk with her.
Ha ha what?!
She got married during second period last week and we weren't even THERE! Man...
Ha ha well that's too bad??
Haha, she is a crazy monkey! THAT's for sure!

Ha ha and that's just the first note. Oh Bay makes me laugh. I don't know what I'd do without her. (:

1 comment:

bayleebug said...

Aaaaahhh!!! :) I love you!!!! :) ahahaha we are SUCH silly kids! :) I love our notes :) P.S.-I don't know what I would do without YOU my dear! :) Love your face! <3