Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Hunger Games.

I have been waiting for this movie to come out for like, forever. I absolutely loved this book and I was just dying to see how they would change it. Went on a date with Brayden to the midnight premiere, along with Kenzie and Colton. It was amazing and just way too much fun. (:
Kenzie and I waited for 8 hours, sometimes taking shifts. We had sparkling black cherry water, and starbursts for snacks. At 7, I went to Brayden's band concert and then brought him to the movie with me afterwards. We waited and waited and waited. For what felt like forever.

Brayden tried to read the book before midnight. He only got to page 30. (:
Colton played on my iPad and was very entertained. Good thing I brought that.
The movie finally started and it was perfect. (: So incredible. It freaked me out a few times....I'm surprised I didn't break Brayden's hand, poor boy! But it was amazing. We had a super fun time. Love these people, loved this movie.

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