Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Very Hard Week.

This has been a very hard and emotional week for the high school students in Davis School District. Two boys, Tanner and Sam, committed suicide. I didn't know Tanner, but when I heard the news, I was devestated for his family and friends. Sam and I though, were always good friends, and I have so many amazing memories of him throughout our time in school together. I was heartbroken when I heard what happened. Seeing my closest friends be torn up inside made the hurt even worse. Tonight I went to Sam's viewing. There were many, many tears shed as I looked at his belongings, and saw him for the last time on this earth. I was touched by the strength of his parents, who despite the tragedy, were mananging to stay positive and loving towards everyone that was there. It was amazing how many people were there supporting his family and showing their love for Sam. I could feel the spirit so strongly as I walked into the room with the casket. I'm grateful for the plan of salvation and knowing that we will see Sam again. Everything is going to be ok.

These stories have really taught me so much. I know that we should never judge other people, because no one can ever truly understand what a person is going through or what is happening in their minds. Each and every one of us is of great value to our Heavenly Father and we need to treat each other that way. We shouldn't ever let anything stop us from reaching out and being kind to people. I know this is something that everyone, myself included, needs to work on and going through this has inspired me to do so.

I'm grateful for the chance I had to know Sam and for the example he was to me. I'm sending prayers to the families of these two young men.

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