Sunday, June 3, 2012

Rude People.

Biggest annoyance in life? Rude people. Why can't people just be nice?!

However, looking back on these experiences, they're kind of hilarious.

One just the other day?

Baylee and I were on the Front Runner heading to Salt Lake. We were sitting across the aisle from a lady in her early 20's or so. We were just talking like normal, when she says to us, "Hey, I have a question for you two." We thought she was going to ask us about the train stops, or maybe about the trains in Salt Lake, so we said, "Oh sure! What do you need?," being very smiley and willing to help. She then says, "Do you two seriously talk like that all the time? Because I'm losing IQ points listening to you right now."


Who DOES that!?

We laughed for a good 20 minutes straight.

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