Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Senior Year - Take One.

Ummmmmmm yeah. Whoever said senior year was a party year lied. Big time.
I don't think I've ever been this stressed ever. About my classes, about my GPA, about my future.
Barely survived with my 4.0 this term and it was so hard. I work for it though because I'd hate to see my goal crumble now - in the final stretch. Three more terms.... I'm hoping I can do it.
Math 1050. This class might as well be from the devil himself. So much work, such hard tests, and so much anxiety. If I lose my 4.0, it'll be because of this class.
AP Psych is still a ton of work, but it's so interesting that it's worth it.
Government has been a way cool class to have during an election year - I got lucky in that sense.
Physics and English are just what you'd expect. Boring.
Sociology is really cool too and a really relaxed class, which I definitely need.

Seminary has been wonderful.
Prostart is a fun class as well. Although we  had to fabricate a chicken the other day which I hated more than anything.
Meaning take this chicken and make it edible. Peel the skin off, cut it's organs out, break it's spine inhalf, cut out all the blood spots, and then break it into wings, breasts, legs, and thighs. EW.
I wish it had never happened. Ever.
Thank goodness Baylee was a professional.
Just happy I'm making it through. It's a lot of work, but I'm really proud of myself.
I know it pays off.
Best thing about end of term?
The day off for teachers to do grades.
And what'd we do on this day?
Bought a hamster. What else?

So time to start over. Term two. Life is good.

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