Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mall Adventures: Epidsode One - "Short" Story

I think I am going to start a new blog minisodes series called "Mall Adventures!" Here is my first episode - "Short" Story!

The jumelles Ashlie and Erin were sitting sadly at Erin's house. They were planning to go to Lagoon in two days and they needed to look the same. They had the same swimming suit, but now they needed the same shorts. They found the ones the needed, located at a wonderful, magical place called, "Justice." Ashlie already had them, but she couldn't leave her jumelle behind!!! They rushed to the mall at nine o'clock at night, assuming the mall closed at ten. Little did they know, they were very very wrong. Upon their arrival, they discovered that the mall closed at nine. They were extremely sad. They went to check to make sure there was no chance, and sure enough. Justice had closed. The girls sighed sadly and sat down on the floor looking into the windows of the store. They could see the shorts that Erin so desperately needed. They were so disappointed that they had such bad luck, when all of a sudden! A very nice employee came to their rescue. After hearing their long, and very tragic, story, she let them in to buy the pair of shorts. They even got the last pair in their size! So in the end, the jumelles got what they needed and this episdoe turned out happily ever to Lagoon!

Ha ha! Did ya' like it?! I know, I know. Genius. Ha ha!!! Stay tuned for later webisodes of "Mall Adventures!!"

1 comment:

Kenzie said...

Interesting...but I've already heard that 'tragic' story. ;)