Saturday, July 25, 2009


Erin and I decided to scrapbook all of our La Caille pictures. As I have been working on it I have found out that I absolutely LOVE scrapbooking! Turning plain into cute has been sooo much fun! Here are just a couple of pictures of what I am working on!
Erin and I, The letters on the sides say our names! -
A really bad sideways view of my title page-

My Scrapbook-


Kenzie said...

They all look cool! I'll have to come see them! Guess what! You jinxed me...I have an interview with Bishop Zaugg on Wednesday after YW. Plus Linda told me...Oh guess what again! I can go to Youth Conference because they changed it so now it's one Super-Activity! Yay!!!

Kristi and Family said...

How cute Ashley. Scrapbooking is so fun I love it too. Don't get too behind because then it seems overwhelming. Good to hear from you.