Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Babysitting Night of Terror...

Alright, Erin and I just experienced a babysitting night to remember. Last night we went to my neighbor's house to babysit their adorable two year old daughter Akaisha. After arriving at five, we got started playing Akaisha's favorite thing, Littlest Pet Shop! Soon after we made her macaroni for dinner. Akaisha's family has four cats, a dog, two hermit crabs, and a fish (which died while we were babysitting! Yikes!). One of the cats is named Bruce. Bruce is part Asian Tiger, which makes him pretty mean! For some reason, he chose that night to try and kill us. Everytime we walked anywhere near him, he tried to bite us and swipe at us! We were so scared we had to lure him into another room and lock him in there! After that joyfulness, Akaisha wanted to watch a movie. We made her some popcorn. Erin sat down and began to open the popcorn. However, she opened it upside down and butter spilled out all over her white skirt! She took off the skirt and wrapped a towel around herself. We put the skirt in their washing machine but the oily butter didn't come out. So we poured dish soap on the skirt and manually washed the skirt. It worked pretty well! (So if you ever get a stain, try using dish soap! It helps!) But then Erin had a sopping wet skirt. So I had to run over to my house and bring her some old jeans to wear. I brought her some that were really short on her making her look like some kind of hillbilly (which was pretty funny) but at least she had some clothes. We left her skirt in the washing machine and planned to play again with Akaisha. We went back to her and made some cocconut cream pie with her and we started to eat it. Akaisha was sitting on a barstool eating her slice when she fell! She hit her head on the tile and started screaming. I picked her up and held her for a while. Then we gave her her popcorn and she watched Peter Pan Return to Neverland. Then Akaisha told us she needed to go to the bathroom. I had already helped her that day so it was Erin's turn. Erin took Akaisha into the bathroom and helped her pull down her pants. That's when we discovered she had pooped her pants!!! It was so disgusting. It got all over her. So I picked Akaisha up and put her in the bathtub. While I was washing off Akaisha, Erin was washing scrubbing the poop off of Akaisha's underwear! It was just so gross! After everything in that department was clean, I dressed Akaisha in some pajamas and brushed her hair. Lastly, Erin and I had to scrub the whole kitchen, including mopping, dishes, countertops, and picking up toys. We like to leave the house clean for the parents of the kids we babysit, so this wasn't a big deal to us. By the time Akaisha's Dad came home, we were exhausted. We knew that that night would be a night we would never forget!!!

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