Friday, June 4, 2010

Goodbye Junior High!

Me and My Friends (:

Climbing the tree! ♥

Today was officially my last day of Junior High. It feels soo weird. I really don't feel like it's been a whole year or that I have already spent three in Junior High! It's really cool though don't get me wrong! I think I'll really miss some of my awesome teachers like Brother Call, Ms. Blair (Mrs. Wood :) and Mrs. Tensmeyer. True, they were total beasts during school but I think I'll actually miss them now that they have no control over me! We had a great last day of school! Our yearbooks turned out amazing and I've loved being on the yearbok staff! It was sooooo much fun and a really great experience! I completed my first year of high school with straight 4.0's!!!!!!! I am sooo proud of that and I hope to continue to do just as well! My favorite class this year was 3D art with Mr. Nielsen. We did some really cool stuff but my favorite project was linoleum block printing and I now have a binder with about 60 prints of flowers in it! It's soo cool! I also got an awesome triptich of prints done, you'll have to come see it because it's cool! After school I went with some of my friends to Arctic Circle for celebratory shakes, then we hung out at the park for awhile. When I came home, I spent four hours cleaning out my school binders and room!! But it needed to be done and now I am ready. BRING ON THE SuMmEr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me and Bay playing concentration. We love it so much! (:

Brady and I!


Jamie said...

you are going to LOVE high school! its amazing :)

Bri said...

I totally love how there are no pictures of me in this post. :) jk! It was fun!

<3/ Anna Pearl Criminal the Ballerina :)