Saturday, September 24, 2011

How I'm Feeling.

Basically, I've just been sad. Everything in my life was going so great too! Until Wednesday. I found out that my young women leaders are getting released. I literally just start sobbing. I've been SO blessed to have had the best leaders in the whole entire world. It's just not ok with me that they're getting released. Young Womens is never going to be the same for me, and I'm going to miss them so much! I love all of them, but I've been particulary close with Heidi and Lisa. And they're going to be the hardest for me to lose. They've both always been there for me. Heidi's been in YW's with me since I was a beehive. Lisa's been in since our ward split, and was my mia maid leader for both years. They have watched me grow up.....I have so much fun with them, and a lot of the time, going to church or Wednesday activites was the highlight of my week because of them. It's just going to be really devastating.... It's just hard to understand how amazing they are unless you've had them.... I'll miss them so much. I'm truly grateful for their friendship and the huge impact they've had in my life.

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