Monday, October 4, 2010

New Driver

So I passed my permit test today! I did it on my first try and I was pretty excited about it! (: However, after that my dad made me drive home. Do you know how terrified I was?! I have never driven, or even touched the pedals of a car! So without any instruction, I back out and drive home on the highway in the RAIN! AHHHHHHHHHHH! It was probably the scariest experience of my whole life. I hate turning! I do just fine driving straight, but turning? Let's just say I am lucky to be alive. My dad had to save our lives twice. Sigh. It is a relief to have the test passed though and hopefully *cross my fingers* driving will get easier!

1 comment:

Mikayla said...

this is super funny because I just barely passed my test last week. So I totally get what you mean about driving being terribly hard/scary.I have only gone three times but it's already tons easier! :)
I cannot believe your dad made you drive home there is no way I will go on the freeway. You are very brave haha.
Who knows maybe we'll be in the same drivers ed class next semester, our birthdays being so close!