Monday, October 10, 2011

Hey Chandlers? This Means War.

Ryan Chandler and I have very differing views when it comes to hunting. I hate it. It makes me so sad to think about innocent little deer enjoying their lives when a man kills them or their family, even though they have no defense. It's just awful. Ryan on the other hand is a big hunter. He's one of those "hang dead animals on the wall because that's attractive decoration" people. He bow and arrow hunts and everything.

We've disputed over it many times. Well, here's what went down. Ryan texted me a picture of a dead deer he's displaying on his wall and told me about how perfectly bow and arrows worked to shoot it. Along with that, he sent a scripture saying something like all animals are ordained for the use of man.

So I figured I'd get him back. I cut out pictures of bambi and labeled them saying things like "I'm so sad because a big scary guy killed my mommy." Or pictures of the devil saying "This is Ryan who is bloodthirsty." Just lots of things like that, and I hung them all over his front porch with an included quote from President McKay about how hunting for sport is evil and that you'll be held accountable for it.

I thought I'd heard the end of that, and had really silenced him until I came out of school to find this on my car:
Apparently Lisa put it on my car yesterday in vinyl and I didn't even notice until after school today!!!
It says, "I eat deer meat!" And then below, "There is a place for all of God's creatures... Right next to the mashed potatoes." Ohhhhh they're in trouble.

How I Feel About This:

 How Ryan Feels About This:

Watch your back Chandlers. It's coming. Just you wait.....

1 comment:

Courtney Hamilton said...

Best thing I have seen. In a LONG time.