Sunday, October 16, 2011

This is How Friday Nights Should Be.

First, football game with all my friends (: I love these games! Such an easy Friday night party (: We played Weber and won! 56-21 (: Go Titans!
Me and Kenz (: 

Daryn, Kenzie, and Me! 

Brady rocking pep band (:

Me and Brady (: 

Me and Britney (: 

Me and Logan (Brayden snuck into the picture (: Haha) 

Brayden and I (:  

He had camera issues (: 

He tried to take a picture of me (: 

 So I tried to take a picture of him(: Neither of them turned out very well.... (: (: He makes me laugh (: 

After the game, Brayden, Kenz, and I went to Wendys! Frostys and fries? Basically rules the world.

And then... We went to my house and played Finger Slayer (I beat Brayden (: Woo!! That's an accomplishement. :) ) and also Kinnect! It's so funny to see the pictures it takes while you play. We had a grand old time (: Yes, I did just say grand old time! (:

Love these people!