Sunday, June 5, 2011

There Are Some Weird People in the World.

And you meet a lot of them at the mall. Just saying. Here are of the few of the craziest experiences Bay and I had with different people at the mall yesterday.

1) While walking down the hall, this guy stopped me to ask me if I was a model. Ummmm no.

2) There was this scary guy walking around our table at the food court just over and over again. He was kind of creeping me out so I was watching him and I mentioned him to Baylee. We just nonchalantly watched as he stared at our table, then I saw him hold up 2 fingers and mouth to his friend, "There's two." I started to freak out a little, Bay pulled her phone out and had 911 dialed in case she needed to call it, and we quickly got up and walked away into a different store.

3) We were in Vanity, and there was this group of 12-14 year old girls and they were being immature and just stupid. Bay and I kind of gave them a weird look, like any normal person would do, and then they freaked out! They started calling us all these mean names, and whenever they saw us in another store, they'd come in to try and bother us. After awhile, we got pretty annoyed and said something back to them. One girl freaked out, and said she was going to come use her knife on us, and her friends were holding her back. Second time that night that Bay had 911 dialed. It was crazy. Again, we just had to walk away.

4) Later, at Subway, these guys told us we were beautiful and asked if they could sing to us. So in the middle of the food court, we got serenaded. Ha ha it was really funny, but a little awkward.

Good times at the mall! Also, lesson learned, don't try to use the sample spray tan thing yourself if you don't know what you're doing. Cause Bay looked like she had changed races, and I looked like a dalmation. Just some advice. (:

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