Thursday, June 9, 2011

Welcome Summer?

It's nice to be out of school, but it doesn't exactly feel like summer. It rained today, the weather really hasn't been that great, and the stress just keeps coming!! Here's what's been going on:

- Passed my drivers test!!! YES. You're allowed to miss 20 points, and I only missed one! So I 99% and I'm thrilled! I'm good to go get my license on my birthday! Which... pretty much feels forever away.

- Two piano recitals this week! One's bad enough, but Julie asked me to play in both!!!

- Registered for 3 online classes this week...ugh. Not excited. I have to do 4, but I'm going to try three for now.

- Pageant paperwork is due in less than 10 days.... Haven't exactly started.....

- Applied for 17 jobs on Monday... Yikes!

Wish me luck?

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