Monday, January 30, 2012


The one thing I didn't mention in my preference post... Ha ha. While we were in a hurry to leave to go to our picture appointment, Jena was quickly backing out, but forgot to check behind her first. She ended up crashing straight into my car. It was horrible... There's a nice big dent with scratches along the side of it, and her bumper is dented too. She was crying and we were trying to tell her that it was going to be ok, but it's pretty bad. Poor thing, I felt horrible. We still have to get it all figured out, but I seriously hope it's not too bad for her sake. We'll look back on this next year and laugh about it, I'm sure.(:

1 comment:

Buffer said...

Hey! This is so cool--I'm reading a book about a girl from Sycrose! Nice blog!