Saturday, January 7, 2012

Phone Pictures.

When I don't have a camera with me, I have no choice but to document moments with my phone. It was about time to go through them and clean up my storage. So. Here are my camera phone memories.

Oh mirror pictures.
Baylee and I started a sort of initiation at work. We mix all 70+  flavors together in one ice cream and you have to take one bite. It turns black, and I can't even describe how horrible it is. It's called "Suicide." Bay and I were the first to do it. The flavor takes forever to leave your mouth. I love my job! Took a picture of Lis's reaction when she did it.

Fun times in Travel and Tourism, my favorite class ever. We made a poster of "Foreign Places We Want to See!" Jeffrey drew this lovely picture of Hogwarts. Of course Hogwarts had to be included!

 Jeff and Andrea with our completed poster. I'm so going to miss this class!

And then there's French class. Where we could work on our packets, but instead, my friends and I choose to things like draw as many stars on the paper as possible and play with play dough. 

Making gold pennies in chemistry! (: Baylee and I are scientists, especially since we're so pro with liquid nitrogen. Nitrogen is like our BFF. 

Yeah. They make pregnant Barbies now. That is messed up! The belly is magnetic, and you can pull it off and there is a baby inside. The things they come up with for children these days... 

Brady and I were going through her journals and we found this one from when she was little. Her parents wrote it for her, but we found it pretty funny. Julie's Brady's Journey Journal. Hahaha.

Late night Cold Stone runs that make me feel like I'm cheating on my job. 

Ice cream carving! 
Me and Kenz carved a heart and the Salt Lake Temple. (:  
Went to see New Year's Eve and loved it! 

Our candy wrappers from our winnings in a Travel and Tourism review game. Heather has to ask me for all the answers so she can get candy too. Ha ha, usually I just share with her. I love the people in this class too!

And shopping for after Christmas deals with Bay. (:  It's fun to get in trouble by the Aeropostale worker just because I was wearing all Hollister. "What do you work for Hollister or something? Because we're frenemies with that store." Yeah... we had to leave.

What's on your phone?!

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